Here you can find some examples of the project work.

DRAW MY FACE - an ice-breaking game when the participants are in two circles - an outer one and an inner one and they draw the face of the person sitting opposite. Upon a clap of the facilitator the participants in the outer circle move one position to the right and thus another person continues in drawing. The picture is finished when the participants in the outer circle get back to their initial position.

WHO ARE YOU? An introduction game when the participants work in pairs and ask for some information from their partner. At the end each pair comes to the front and they introduce their partner to the others.

WRITING CV - the participants received an European CV cut in pieces and their task was to complete it and put into the correct order. Before this aktivity there was an introduction about how to write a CV.

Here is the brochure about the project. A link to e-brochure canbe found in the Dissemination part of this webpage.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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